Platform Security Protection Explanation

1、We will make all reasonable efforts to protect the personal information we have obtained, and the personal information will be protected by specialized departments and personnel.

In order to prevent users' personal information from being illegally accessed, copied, modified, transmitted, lost, destroyed, processed or used in unexpected and unauthorized situations, we have and will continue to take the following measures to protect your personal information:

1)Our network services adopt encryption te chnologies such as transmission security protocols, and provide browsing services through https and other methods to ensure the safety of user data during transmission.

2)The user's personal information is encrypted and stored by adopting encryption technology, and the user's personal information is isolated by isolation technology.

3)When using personal information, such as personal information display and personal information associated calculations, we will use a variety of data desensit ization technologies including content replacement, encryption desensitization, etc. to enhance the security of personal information in use.

4)Establish a strict data use and access system, adopt strict data access authority control and multiple identity  authentication technologies to protect personal information, and prevent data from being used in violation of regulations. We only allow authorized personnel to access personal information and require them to fulfill the corresponding confidentiality obligations.

5)Adopt special data and technical security audits, and set up multiple measures for log audits and behavior audits.

2、Other security measures taken to protect personal information:

1)Manage and regulate the storage and use of personal information  by establishing a data classification and grading system, data security management specifications, and data security development specifications.

2)Establish an information protection department, an information security emergency response organization, and  a personal information protection commissioner to promote and protect personal information security.

3)Strengthen safety awareness. We will also organize security and privacy protection training courses to strengthen employees' awareness of the importance of protecting personal information.

3、Despite having implemented the reasonable and effective measures mentioned above and adhering to the standards required by relevant laws and regulations, due to the open nature of the online environment, we cannot guarantee the security of your personal information during communication over the internet. It is an insecure channel. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you take proactive measures to ensure the security of your personal information, such as setting complex passwords, regularly changing your account password, not disclosing your account password and other personal information to others, and using information sharing features cautiously. Additionally, you should understand that when your information is disclosed due to your personal actions (such as sharing), this platform assumes limited legal liability solely according to effective judicial rulings.

4、There are always various risks of information leakage in the network environment. When accidents, force majeure and other circumstances cause your information to leak risks, we will try our best to control the situation and promptly inform you of the cause of the incid ent, the security measures we have taken, and you Security measures that can be taken proactively and other relevant situations.

5、 In the unfortunate event of a personal information security incident, we will promptly inform you in accordance with the req uirements of laws and regulations: the basic situation and possible impact of the security incident, the disposal measures we have taken or will take, and you can independently prevent and reduce Risk suggestions, remedial measures for you, etc. At the same time, we will promptly inform you of the relevant information of the incident by email, letter, telephone, push notification, etc. If it is difficult to inform the subject of personal information one by one, we will adopt a reasonable and effective way to issue an announcement. If relevant incidents involve children’s personal information, we will notify the children and their guardians in accordance with the law. At the same time, we will report to the corresponding Supervisory department in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations.